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L’Afterwork mensuel au resto-café Santa Maria à La Ciotat est un événement organisé pour les chefs d’entreprises en free-lance de la région, dans le but d’a
Participation de Chorbane à l’évènement Street Good qui s’est tenu au Café de l’Horloge de la Ciotat le 6-7 mai pour une dégustation et vente de nos produits
La Provence dedicated an article to our family project CHORBANE in 2018. At the El Bedoui family grove in Chorbane, Karima Cappucio and her family have decided to
December 2018 : episode of the France 5 show Echappées Belles dedicated to Tunisia
In June 2021, Chorbane olive oil won the gold medal at the Brignoles Fair competition in France.
A big thank to the Raf Mag Plus program on the Tunisian channel Elhiwar Ettounsi for this segment dedicated to Karima el Bedoui and the Chorbane adventure.
In January 2022, the BBC News team came to meet us to make a report on the Chorbane grove.
Reconnaissance du travail fourni. C’est toujours un plaisir de partager notre aventure Chorbane.
Sky News Arabia report in December 2021 devoted to the Chorbane grove.
We are so happy to announce that Chorbane Olive Oil was awarded the silver medal at the Dubai international competition Dubaiooc.